Thursday, May 22, 2008

Cruel Intentions

First posted at Friendster blog on March 27, 2008.

It has just come to my knowledge that some nursing students are doing extra effort to oust me as a clinical instructor by verbal malevolence.

They would rather prefer to have a senile and an imbecile for a clinical instructor.

As I have said to the nursing students who were under me during the clinical duty in Borongan, "At first you do enjoy being under a clinical instructor who is lax and would pass you anyway but after quite sometime you will ask yourself, what have you learn? The common answer that you would probably have is nothing..."

I may not be perfect but at least I am humble enough to make room for improvements for myself and my profession... for a person who thinks but does not learn is in great danger!

For those nursing students who appreciate what I do, I express my sincere gratitude and a challenge for you to do better in your studies and clinical duties.

For those who see me as a hindrance to their voracious intentions, I will never be threatened and I challenge you to prove me wrong.

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